Shockwave Rider

Written a long time ago, somehow it still resonates. Perpetuating The Myth.

Some History

All this started a long time ago for me. Early 80s. I was in Quantitative Analysis lab. The professor couldn't be there so the Organic Chemistry prof, Dr. Bond, was babysitting us. Partway through class he had a terminal brought in so he could check something. I had no idea what it was or what he was doing, but I forgot the experiment I was involved in.

It was a dumb terminal attached to a Vax (or maybe it was a PDP-11) computer. He might as well have been speaking Greek. But I was hooked. I became a regular on 3 different campuses, multiple computer labs.

40 years later I'm writing this on a cheap phone running the Android operating system. Cheap, but more powerful than the hardware we were proud of back then.

Almost 70 years old now. So much has been forgotten.

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